#4 - I've gone on dates with Trevor.
Trevor & I still like to celebrate the one month anniversaries, but when it came to our November anniversary I was at a loss for what to do. Neither of us had very much money so I thought - ah! A picnic!
I googled fall picnic ideas & found a lot of awesome websites. Here are some for you to visit!
After this, I was
inspired. I went to the store and put together a gourmet picnic. I packed napkins, a blanket, and even some candles. It was chilly but not too chilly, the week right before daylight savings kicked in. (meaning the sun was still out when I got off work. Ha!)
I got the stuff ready so that we could head straight to the park after work. I bought those Soup at Hand drinkable soups and microwaved them so we'd have something warm to drink :)
The lighting was beautiful and the temperature was definitely tolerable.
I'm all for ambience, so I brought a couple tea lights with. :D Heh, call me cheesy but I loved the way they looked.
We had chips, rice cakes with salami & provolone, deviled eggs, those soups and strawberry cheesecake for dessert. We played some music from my iPhone and watched the sunset.
Great memories <3
One tip I'd add - for any picnic in the fall/winter, BRING A BLANKET. We ended up just sitting on it but I think it really prevented us from getting cold. Although when the sun started going down more, the chill set in and we decided to leave. So I definitely recommend sunlight for picnics. :)
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