It seems like time goes by faster, the older I get. Last night at midnight we rang in the year 2012 at my house with Dick Clark, party poppers and a champagne toast. (classic) We then proceeded to stay up entirely too late, acting more and more ridiculous with each passing hour. Today is the day we spend recovering from all the drinks & goodies we consumed last night.
I do want to talk about one thing we did, which is this board game, Quelf.
Maybe I'm behind on this, but I've never heard of it before and it was nuts!
This is my cousin Liz, after she picked a card that said any opponent who messed up her hair got to move forward two spaces.
My brother Ben, and his character Mr. Lugnut.
Rob, who had to go find a tie, knot it in a square knot, and wear it for the remainder of the game or suffer the penalties (good thing he likes ties). Luke is in the background acting like a weeping willow because Rob rolled a four, the result of a 'rule' card Luke had drawn.
Me, and Trevor. Yes, I am wrapped in toilet paper. I drew a card which said I must be a mummy until someone rolled a certain number.
All in all, it's a great game that I'd recommend to anyone. The box says 12+ but I don't think it's possible to be too old to play this game! You just can't be afraid to be crazy.
And I happen to like crazy. :)
On another note..
In honor of the year 2012, here are some desktops for you to download :)
time & fireworks
happy party hats
I hope you enjoyed your New Year's celebration :)
Don't forget -
Thanks, and happy new year!
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