
Word of the Day, Day One

I really, really, really, really like words. So I've decided that for this week, I'm going to do a feature on words we use in modern society, and where they came from. One word for every day of the week, starting today. Are you ready kids? I can't hear you!

Word #1 - FACSIMILE.
At first glance, facsimile doesn't sound like a word we're all familiar with. But when you take it apart and think about the syllables, you get the word fax... does this one ring a bell? Now you might be reminded of the 90's in this situation, and your first instinct will be to yell at me "I thought you said MODERN society." But I argue that I use a fax machine almost every day at the office. And seeing as I just found out about the word a few days ago (when someone faxed over a memo that said facsimile at the top), I was so excited I had to share it with the world. Anyway.


  [fak-sim-uh-lee]  noun, verb,-led, -le·ing, adjective
an exact copy, as of a book, painting, or manuscript.
Also called fax. Telecommunications .
a method or device for transmitting documents,drawings, photographs, or the like, by means of radio ortelephone for exact reproduction elsewhere.
an image transmitted by such a method.
dropout def. 5 .

Anyway, like I said. I found it interesting. Here's a picture for your viewing pleasure. You know how much I love old advertisements.

Join us tomorrow for more fun with words!

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