
now that you know who you are, what do you want to be?

How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?
Now that you know who you are, what do you want to be?
- The Beatles, Baby You're a Rich Man

When thinking about my profession, I've always known I wanted to do something creative, whether it be in art or music. I chose graphic design because I felt like it would be the most profitable option, and I could do my music (maybe join the symphony) and photography (maybe sell some art prints) on the side. But I'm starting to really, really like photography now...

 (These are my little brothers and sisters btw. minus Rob)

Anyway, originally I didn't want to take anything but artistic photos, and to make a living in photography you've gotta take wedding pictures, portraits and senior photos A LOT. But I'm starting to really enjoy taking portraits and event photos, I could get used to it. And to be a photographer for the news would take you to a LOT of different places and events, which would be quite interesting.
I guess this is something that needs more research on my part. But in the meantime, go to my Deviant Art and tell me what you think of my photos there!

♥ clare

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