

when i was 14, in the golden age of the internet, and instant messenging, i started making little graphics like avatars & icons for instant messenger, desktop wallpapers. it progressed until i got an opportunity to create the cover for a book my mom was putting out, and a logo for my dad's new business. from there i went crazy on graphics, learning especially how to edit photos and make whatever kind of graphic was necessary for the situation (and a few websites in the process). ANYWAY the point is, from the time i was 14 or 15 i knew i wanted to be a graphic designer. which brings me to the point.

#2 - I've been doing some freelance graphic stuff.

This is a program for the pageant that I was asked to do. It was rushed, because the chairman of the pageant, Yvonne, found me very last minute. I spent about four days staying up until the wee hours to finish this 40 some page program, which mostly consisted of ads. In the end, it came down to my mom helping me scan the ads in, my sisters double checking to make sure i included them all, and trevor helping me to enter all the ads in the first place. teamwork! love it. that was on sunday afternoon / evening, the program needed to be done by monday!

these are posters i did for Holy Family Radio, 1140 AM in Grand Rapids. My dad is really involved with the station and they were in need of some graphic work, so i volunteered :) I made them a bumper sticker, and about four posters overall. The bumper sticker is the white cross in the poster above. (that one's my favorite poster too)

I've also been doing a lot of photo editing, but I think that's a category on its own, which I should save for another blog post. So, ta ta for now.!

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